
My rating : ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 

Hiraeth is a collection of poems by Mansi Narula Kashyap which evoke feelings of longing, nostalgia, yearning, waiting  to go to a home she knew at some point of her life and is alive in the corners of her mind with orange mailbox and a blue kelin and dusty paths with lakes around and birds singing songs and also about love, the first meeting, crossing paths and admiring each other from afar, understanding, suspicion, doubts, deceit, betrayals, cheating, flirting with others, complains, grief and finally separating ways.

In 101 poems author tries to convey that same yearning which will strike a cord with all its readers cause at some point of our lives all of us yearn for something. Its like a toy that you see, play and forever want,  but cannot ever have it.

There were times while reading when I thought, are these the feelings she wanted to say out loud but could not say and thus penned them down. But that is the genius of the ones who create an illusion with their words creating and destroying characters and feelings in their imaginary world where all feels real.

The poems are short, readable and intoxicating. The poems have a delicate yet a substantial feel to them. The narrative is smooth and once you get in the flow you can get by it in less than an hour. The beauty of sycamore trees, autumn, mountains, lakes, the boatman form a vivid picture in your mind.

Poetess has used metaphors in abundance with lyrical and rhyming words.

Frankly poetry is not my favorite genre that I dwell on but with this one, I am glad I read. I will read more poetry after experiencing this wonderful book which left quite an impression on me and made me remember few things and people I forgot overtime.

Ps: keep a dictionary nearby to truly let the meaning of it all sink in.

Published by easypeasyscribbles

A mum who loves to read. i started blogging because i needed someplace to write down my thoughts on the books i read, on the day to day events i come across and to share a bit about things i know like about health and beauty(everyone knows something) or maybe just about anything. i will be posting often.

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